Call for papers

This workshop calls on the research community to discuss the state-of-the-art and research challenges for supporting modeling and decision making under uncertainty in the computational and data sciences. When creating visual tools for simulations, challenges exist in the uncertainty analysis (UA) of ensembles, the sensitivity analysis (SA) of input-output models, and the decision making process that requires the understanding of risk stemming from both UA and SA.

Over the last few years we have seen many different attempts to address these issues, and it is now time to review the achievements in the light of real-world applications. We therefore attempt to broaden the focus of uncertainty analysis to a more comprehensive approach to modeling and discuss the current and future requirements from an application-oriented perspective.

We invite authors to submit short (2-page) papers on issues surrounding uncertainty in visualization, leading to a 20-minute presentation. Our goal is to have an open discussion on successes, failures, and goals for the future of uncertainty and parameter space visualization. Of special interest is the deployment and use of tools from our field within application domains.

Topics of interest

Topics of interest and questions we would like to ask include, but are not limited to:

Submission instructions

Papers should be maximum 2-pages in length and should use the formatting guide for TVCG ( Submissions must be submitted by August 31, 2015 and should be sent to the following email address: with subject line VDMU 2015.

Important dates

